Thursday, September 22, 2011

Composition Photos

 I chose this picture of my driveway for Curved Lines. I think it looks nice because the texture of the rocks really show.

 This picture is for the Leading Lines it is on Highway 95 by my house. It is leading you into the darkness. In this photo it looks like it was snowing but it was actually raining.

In this picture it is showing Diagnal Lines. I wasn't really sure on what I was going to do so I lined up a bunch of pencils and took a picture.

And last but not least this is my rule of thirds photo. It is a flower outside of my mom and dads room. I thought that it look good with the rain on it.


  1. i like how the flower looks on the outside of the window its pretty cool looking. i like the rain drops in the background on the window. :D

  2. Love the flower...just crop out the left window frame and it'll be a stronger composition.
